Application Programming Interface

All of our software products use the same client API (Application Programming Interface), a simple easy-to-use interface to protocol software running on the LAN-based server or embedded communication controller. The UconX API presents the standard STREAMS application interface familiar to many application programmers. This interface is constant across all UconX protocols, hardware platforms and supported client system-regardless of whether the API is communicating with TCP/IP or a host driver, and whether or not the client operating system supports STREAMS.

The API includes the following routines:

MPSopen - Open a connection to a protocol on a server.
MPSopen creates a connection between the requesting client application and a protocol running on a UconX server. The application program making the MPSopen request is the client endpoint of the connection. The server endpoint of the connection is a protocol running ion a server installed in, or attached via Ethernet to, the client machine.

MPSclose - Close a connection to a server.
MPSclose terminates a connection.

MPSputmsg - Send a message on a connection.
MPSputmsg creates a message and sends it on a connection. The message created can have a control part, a data part or both. The format of each part of the message is defined by the connected protocol. MPSputmsg always creates a protocol message, regardless of whether the message has a control part.

MPSgetmsg - Get the next message from a connection.
MPSgetmsg retrieves a message from a connection. The message retrieved can have a control part, a data part or both. The format of each part of the message is defined by the connected protocol. MPSgetmsg can be used to receive both data and protocol messages.

MPSwrite - Send data on a connection.
MPSwrite sends data on a connection. This function always creates a data message.

MPSread - Receive data from a connection.
MPSread receives data from a connection. This function is used to receive data messages only.

MPSioctl - Send I/O control or other special requests on a connection.
MPSioctl sends a special control request on a connection. The following ioctl commands are supported:

MPSpoll - Monitor server connections.
MPSpoll provides users with a method for monitoring traffic on one or more descriptors. The descriptors can be either MPS Stream descriptors (returned by MPSopen) or host file descriptors.

MPSperror - Display system error message.
MPSperror prints a short message on the standard error (stderr) describing the last error encountered during a call to an API library routine.

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